Conference Chair - Bo Ai, Beijing Jiaotong University, China(IEEE Fellow, AAIA Fellow, IET Fellow)

Conference Chair - Bo Ai, Beijing Jiaotong University, China(IEEE Fellow, AAIA Fellow, IET Fellow)


Bo Ai, Beijing Jiaotong University, China(IEEE Fellow, AAIA Fellow, IET Fellow)


Prof. Bo Ai is the professor and doctoral supervisor of Beijing Jiaotong University. He is also the deputy director of the State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety. Prof. Ai has been awarded the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, the First Outstanding Youth Science Fund, the Newton Advanced Fellowship, the National Central Organization Department's 10,000-Person Plan Leading Talents, the Ministry of Science and Technology's Young and Middle-aged Science and Technology Innovation Leaders, the China Association for Science and Technology's "Seeking Outstanding Youth Award", the Ministry of Education's New Century Excellence Talent, Zhan Tianyou Railway Science and Technology Youth Award, Beijing Science and Technology Star Winner, the Chinese Academy of Engineering Distinguished Young Investigator of China Frontiers of Engineering, the Honorary Title of Beijing Excellent Teacher.

Prof. Bo Ai has published 6 Chinese academic books, 3 English books, 140 IEEE journal articles, 9 ESI highly-cited papers. He has obtained 13 international paper awards include IEEE VTS Neil Shepherd Memorial Best Propagation Award and IEEE GLOBECOM 2018 Best Paper Award, 27 invention patents; 21 proposals adopted by the ITU, 3GPP, etc., and 9 provincial and ministerial-level science and technology awards. His research results has been involved in 4 national standards. He is mainly engaged in the research and application of the theory and core technology of broadband mobile communication and rail transit dedicated mobile communication systems (GSM-R, LTE-R, 5G-R, LTE-M).

Prof. Bo Ai is the IET fellow, president of IEEE BTS Xi'an Branch, vice president of IEEE VTS Beijing Branch, IEEE VTS distinguished lecturer, associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics and IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, guest editor of IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, and other SCI journals, member of the organizing committee of the Chinese Institute of Electronics, chairman of the Youth Science Club of the China Electronics Society, supervisor of the Supervisory Board of the China Communications Society, expert of the 5G Industry Expert Group of the China Mobile Group Technical Advisory Committee,and expert of the 6G Group in China.


至今出版中文学术著作6部,英文著作3部;发表IEEE期刊论文120余篇,ESI高被引论文和热点论文6篇;获IEEE VTS协会Neil Shepherd Memorial Best Propagation Award最佳期刊论文奖;获2018 IEEE Globecom等国际会议论文奖励11项;获得27项授权发明专利;被ITU, 3GPP等采纳提案21项;获省部级科技奖励9项。研究成果写入国家行业标准4项,成果应用于京沪等高速铁路,上百条、3万多公里的铁路线路建设。

英国工程师学会会士(IET Fellow),IEEE BTS西安分会主席,IEEE VTS北京分会副主席,IEEE VTS杰出讲师(Distinguished Lecturer),IEEE T-CE、IEEE AWPL期刊副主编。中国电子学会组织工作委员会委员,中国电子学会青年科学家俱乐部轮值主席,中国通信学会监事会监事,中国移动集团技术咨询委员会5G产业专家组专家,国铁集团5G总体组专家,国家科技部6G总体组专家。