Keynote Speaker & Publication Chair - Prof. Wanyang Dai, Nanjing University, China

Keynote Speaker & Publication Chair - Prof. Wanyang Dai, Nanjing University, China


Prof. Wanyang Dai, Nanjing University, China


Wanyang Dai is a Distinguished Professor in Mathematics Department of Nanjing University, Chief Scientist at Su Xia Control Technology, President and CEO of U.S. based (blochchain and quantum computing) SIR Forum (Industial 6.0 Forum), a Special Guest Expert in Jiangsu FinTech Research Center, President of Jiangsu Probability & Statistics Society, Chairman of Jiangsu Big Data-Blockchain and Smart Information Special Committee, Chief Scientist at Depths Digital Economy Research Institute, and Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics, where his research includes stochastic processes related optimization and optimal control, admission/scheduling/routing protocols and performance analysis/optimization for various projects in BigData-Blockchain oriented quantum-cloud computing and the next generation of wireless and wireline communication systems, forward/backward stochastic (ordinary/partial) differential equations and their applications to queueing systems, stochastic differential games, communication networks, Internet of Things, financial engineering, energy and power engineering, etc. His “influential” achievements are published in “big name” journals including Quantum Information Processing, Operational Research, Operations Research, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Communications in Mathematical Sciences, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Queueing Systems, Mathematical and Computer Modeling of Dynamical Systems, etc. His researches are awarded as outstanding papers by various academic societies, e.g., IEEE Top Conference Series, etc.. He received his Ph.D degree in applied mathematics jointly with industrial engineering and systems engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A., in 1996, where he worked on stochastics and applied probability concerning network performance modeling and analysis, algorithm design and implementation via stochastic diffusion approximation. The breakthrough results and methodologies developed in his thesis were cited, used, and claimed as “contemporaneous and independent” achievements by some other subsequent breakthrough papers that were presented as “45 minute invited talk in probability and statistics” in International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) 1998, which is the most privilege honor in the mathematical society. The designed finite element-Galerkin algorithm to compute the stationary distributions of reflecting Brownian motions (weak solutions of general dimensional partial differential equations) is also well-known to the related fields.

He was a permant scientist and researcher (MTS) in End-to-End Network Architecture Department of AT&T Bell Labs (now called Nokia Bell Labs), Atlanta, GA and Warren, NJ, U.S.A., from 1996-1999, where he was principal investigators and developers of several projects in telecommunication network architecture and design, network performance and financial engineering, operating system and database development to support various intelligent engines/models for strategy planning and big data analytics in a "Plug-in and Play" manner, etc. with some (nowdays called cloud computing) project won "Technology Transfer". He is Editors of over 20 international journals ranging from pure mathematics to its applications (e.g., Wireless Engineering and TechnologyJournal of Applied Mathematics and PhysicsOpen Journal of OptimizationArtificial Intelligence), General Chairs and Plenary/Keynote Speakers of over 40 IEEE and other international conferences. He is (or was) a member (the leader of Stochastic Analysis Group) of Judge Committee in Mathematics of National Natural Science Awards of China.He was a visiting scholar in Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science of China, Beijing, China, in 2001, a Long Term Participant of IMA Annual Program of Probability and Statistics in Complex Systems: Financial Engineering, Communication Networks and Genomics in Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications (IMA), Minneapolis, U.S.A., in 2004, a visiting professor in Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management in Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, in 2007.

南京大学数学系教授(博导/重要学科 岗)、苏硖控制技术 首席科学家(Chief Scientist)、美国量子计算区块链工业革命 论坛(SIR Forum)理事长与首席执行官(CEO)、江 苏金融科技研究中心特邀专家、江苏省 概率统计学会理事长、 江苏大数据区块链与智能信息专委会主任、迪 普思数字经济研究所首席科学家(Chief Scientist)、国家多个概率统计运筹管理及工业与应用数学学 会副理事长等、国家自然科学奖 励委员会数学学科会评委员(随机分析组组长)、国家自然科学基金重大/重点(包括杰出 青年/优秀青年)项目评审专家;国际应用数学进展杂志 ( Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics主编、众多数学及其应用 国际期刊杂志的编审 (包括 Wireless Engineering and TechnologyJournal of Applied Mathematics and PhysicsOpen Journal of Optimization, Journal of Statistics and Applications), 多次担任国际大会主席; 曾任美国电信(现称诺基亚) 贝尔实验室(AT&T (now called Nokia)Bell Labs)永久(Permanent)科学家与研究员、 重大/重点项目首席科学家和研究 员(Principal Investigator)并协助技术管理,并获美国 乔治亚理工大学(Georgia Institute of Technology)数学学院(与 工业工程及系统工程学院 共同培养)博士学位(1992-1996);在量子云计算、随机网络反射扩散逼近、 随机(渐近)最优控制与(随机微分) 博弈论及(正倒向与反射)随机(常/偏)微分方程等领域作了 多项重要系列工作, 其成果受到了众多美国科学院院士与美国工程院院士、INFORMS Lanchaster奖得主及John von Neumann奖得主等著名科学家的引用、沿用与发展, 是1998年世界数学家大会概率统 计领域45分钟特邀报告有关理论与方法的 原创者, 众多有影响的成果发表在国际顶尖、权威与著名杂志(包括Quantum Information Processing, Operational Research, Operations Research, Communications in Mathematical Sciences, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Queueing Systems, Mathematical and Computer Modeling of Dynamical Systems, )上, 获2017年IEEE顶尖国际会议系列电力与能源系统优秀特邀嘉宾大会主旨报告证书与2015年 Taylor & Francis数学与统计学读者奖提名 等荣誉与奖励,数十次在国际学术会议上做 特邀嘉宾大会主旨报告, 应邀在2002年第7届中国概率统计年会上作 特邀报告、并 应邀在2016年第10届中国运筹学年会上作特邀 专题报告, 其(1996-1998)发明的有关支撑各种决策与大数据解析的网络与计算机 云平台操作系统及数据库并实现网络平 台、智能引擎与终端用户分离以全方位达到即插即用(Plug-in and Play)目的的成果与 产品获得了贝尔实验室的内部技术转让 (Techonology Transfer)